2014年2月27日 星期四

李治廷 (Aarif Rahman)~Porcelain Princess' Palace M/V + Lyric +中譯詞

MV/ lyrics credit: Aarif Official Channel

印像中李治廷曾在香港電影金象獎得過新人獎, 外貌不俗. 最近往國內拍劇. 原來他同時是一位歌手! 這首英文歌是自作曲, 給我帶來一點驚喜, 旋律幽美値得一讚!

Porcelain Princess' Palace
監製:雷頌德 /李治廷

In another persons' shoes, again she starts to walk 踏著他人的鞋 她又再次上路 
For a million miles she runs, she never stops 走遍千里 從未停下來 
She's a soldier during the day 在白天她是一個士兵 
But her armour never scarred from the knives 在盔甲下她未受任何刀傷
She's soft yet never fragile 她似是柔弱但從不脆弱 
Drained but she paints on a smile day after day. 倒下了她會笑著過每一天 
But she's just a child 可是她只是一個孩子 
And I'm hoping 我希望 
I could just 我可以
Take her away 帶她走 
Far far away 到遠處 
I'll keep her safe 我會讓她平平安安
In the porcelain princess' palace 在瓷器公主的宮殿 
In an ice cream space ship of our dreams 在冰淇淋太空船載有我們的夢想
We'll fly to the sky 我們飛往天際
Alongside 肩並肩 
The milky way 到銀河處 
In the porcelain princess' palace 在瓷器公主的宮殿 
She's just a child 可是她只是一個孩子 
And I'm hoping I could just take her away 我希望我可以帶她走 
Far away 到遠處 
From this place 從這裡
To the porcelain princess' palace 往瓷器公主的宮殿 
I'll be here tonight close your eyes 我在這裡在這夜閉上你的眼
We'll fly to the sky 我們飛往天際
Alongside 肩並肩 
The milky way 到銀河處 
The porcelain princess' palace 瓷器公主的宮殿 
In a bed of cotton clouds 在軟棉棉的雲床上
The stars sing you to sleep 星星歌唱給你入睡
We gaze up at the sky 我倆凝望著天空 
Forever you and me 永遠地你和我
You and me 你和我

****Lyrics translated in Chinese is my work for reference.*** Information taken away from this blog, please make sure to quote the source of borrowed material. Thank you!  

