2012年8月14日 星期二

Silvermine Bay Music Festival 2012/ 銀礦灣沙灘音樂節2012

今個星期五、六、日有冇節目不如去香港梅窩銀礦灣沙灘音樂節2012參與大型的戶外音樂會, 一邊聽歌、一邊玩水, 享盛夏的音樂饗宴。一連三日的沙灘音樂節,邀請二十五隊來自本港、台灣和馬來西亞的樂隊同台較量,包括有太極樂隊、黃貫中、周國賢和廿四味等。免費架! 唔使買飛, 亦無劃位

Any activities for this Friday, Saturday or Sunday?   Let's go to the SMF Silvermine Bay Music Festival 2012, enjoy sunshine, sea air and good music! The music festival to be held in 3 consecutive days with 25 brands as performing guests from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia. It’s FREE ADMISSION! Tickets not required.

Time/ 時間
17 Aug 2012 (Fri) 19:00 - 22:00
Guests: 糖兄妹 / Summer Junkiez / Killer Soap / Supper Moment / Yellow / The Night Ghost Orchestra

18 Aug 2012 (Sat) 17:00 - 22:00
Guests: Paul Wong and the Postman / The3Think / Ignite the Hope / 草魚禾Weed / ToNick / Maniac / Go Go Rise (台灣) / 周國賢

19 Aug 2012 (Sun) 16:00 - 21:00 
Guests: 廿四味 24Herbs / Senseless / Timeless / sp’ACE / Alien / Hungry Ghosts / Kolor / Shotgun politics / ManHanD (馬來西亞) / 太極樂隊

Remarks: Guests listed above are not in their performing order and for reference. Please refer to the official web site for final notice. 表演嘉賓排名不分演出次序. 如有變動請參照官方公佈!

Place/ 地點 : 香港梅窩銀礦灣沙灘/ Silvermine Bay, Mui Wo, Lantau Island, Hong Kong

Admission/ 票價 免費入場 / Free admission

Official website/ 網址 www.facebook.com/smfmusic

Organizer/ 組織機構 梅窩鄉事委員會香港離島婦女聯會/ Hong Kong Outlying Islands Women's Association

Enquiry/ 查詢 (852) 2984 9248 or email : oiwa@oiwa.org.hk

交通 / Transportation:
1.海路 - 中環(六號碼頭) - 梅窩 Sea route – Central ó Mui Wo

2.陸路 - 3M 梅窩- 東涌市中心 Land route – Mui Wo ó Tong Chung Town Center

NOTICE: In case of unstable / inclement weather on the show day, the programme (whole or partial) may be considered to suspend or cancel at venue. 

