2013年1月15日 星期二

馮允謙 Jay Fung~夜半敲門 [MV] with lyrics 歌詞

MV from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA9iUOX9d8w
Credit: EEGmusichk英皇娛樂

然後我拒絕睡覺聽見鬼故 聽到冒汗
疑惑你繼續在這狹窄走廊 跌跌撞撞

門一吹開彷彿找到你 廚房燈泡彷彿閃照你 
連西裝褸彷彿都有你 從更衣室彷彿找到你 

Baby as of lately, you makin' me crazy
I wake up to the sound of you knockin' on my door

尋覓你最近狀況向你死黨 探聽下落
無奈這阿樂是我老友死黨 證據鑿鑿

從Facebook篇篇找到你 從梳妝檯彷彿找到你 
從收音機彷彿聽見你 連玻璃杯彷彿斟滿你 

# Baby as of lately, you makin' me crazy
I wake up to the sound of you knockin' on my door
Baby as of lately, you makin' me crazy
I wake up to the sound of you knockin' on my door
沒有你一間屋只得陰影 #

到處亦是你 ohhhhhh... 你已滲透我的各方 
到處遇到你 ohhhhhh... 傢俬不想把你淡忘
到處亦是你 ohhhhhh... 處處也似個監禁倉 
到處遇到你 ohhhhhh... 我已困進了垃圾崗

Repeat #

到處亦是你 到處遇到你
到處亦是你 偏偏空出一半睡床
到處亦是你 到處遇到你 
到處亦是你 一間空屋使我亂狂

這首歌最近常在電台播放。我喜歡這首歌曲,節奏感強好有外國歌感覺。馮允謙在無線TVB舉辦的“超級聲3”比賽獲獎後, 在2012年年底正式出度。看過他在“超級巨聲”的表現及他用結他自彈自唱,我能感覺到他對音樂充滿熱誠!

馮允謙生於1988年2月22日,香港的唱作歌手,在無線TVB舉辦的“超級巨聲3”贏得了亞軍。他生於香港,在一歲半隨家人移居加拿大埃德蒙頓。在阿爾伯塔大學主修市場學畢業後,他回到香港,參加超級巨聲比賽。他的首張專輯於2012年11月30號推出“今天開始”(原曲是他寫的英文版本"What Can I Do To Make You See"(我能做些什麼讓你看見)。首張專輯,十首歌中馮允謙參了六首歌曲的創作。(資料來自維基百科)

在2012年,他已經獲得了電台/電視台的樂壇新人獎。在此恭喜馮允謙! 令人興奮的,又多一位唱作歌手加入香港樂壇。馮允謙的第一語言是英語,希望有一天他能進攻埋國際市場!

Official sites:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jayfungfc
新浪微博 http://www.weibo.com/jayfungmusic
騰訊微博 http://t.qq.com/jayfungmusic

This song can be heard a lot from radio broad-casting recently.  Love this song with strong rhythm. Jay Fung had been participated in the "Super Voices 3" competition organized by TVB broad-casting station.  He was then officially debut at the end of 2012.  While watching his performance during "Super Voices" and the way he sing with his guitar along, I can feel that he has strong passion in music.

Jay Fung (1988/Feb/22), Hong Kong singer song writer, won the 1st runner up in "Super Voices 3".  He was born in Hong Kong and moved to Canada's Edmonton with his whole family when he was one and half years old.  After graduation from the University of Alberta major in Marketing, he came back to HK and joined the competition of Super Voices 3.  His first debut album launched on 2012/11/30 " 今天開始" means Begin of Today (the original version written in English "What Can I Do To Make You See" by Jay ). The debut album with six songs out of ten was written by Jay.  (information source from WIKI encyclopedia)

Jay has already received different awards of new star/rockie in 2012.  Congratulations to Jay! I am exciting that there is one more new singer song writer in Hong Kong. Jay's first language is English. Hoping that someday he can enter into the international market!

